The Difference Between Energies

The Difference Between Energies

What does real mean? Is it potential energy that spins and spins, eventually slowing down to become mass that’s solid form? Do we mistake what’s heavy and stagnant for something true simply because it’s there?

We want what we know to be fixed and unchanging, comfortable like our favorite couch. To be instantaneous and ethereal is to be capricious. Security—the utmost truth—should be built on solid rock.

But what if we’re missing something in this view, living half-lives on the cemented side of a blinded soul? With density comes opacity. Our inner vision needs windows, lightness, places where the immaterial can enter in.

Would it be so bad if anything were possible? Would nothing, or everything, be true if it were?

Fringe Benefits

Fringe Benefits

To Be Yourself

To Be Yourself